Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Director’s Corner by Lisa Wenz “Be careful what you wish for” –I remind myself now when I complained about the hot summer we had!! What a snowy January it has been and it seems there is still more to come. The children however have been enjoying the snow and we thank those families who send appropriate clothing. Outdoor play is so important to young children’s experiences and gross motor development. Throughout the school these outdoor experiences have been extended and built upon with cardboard box snow caves, art that reflects the climate, bins of snow in the water tables and literature about winter, cold, snow and arctic animals. There has also been lots of warm cooking like pots of soup or hot cocoa after being outdoors.

Our plans, if they are not hampered by continued snow, are to begin getting out into the community for a few local and perhaps one or two not so local field trips. Classes (depending on their theme of study) will be visiting the library, the grocery store, the pizza shop and other very local destinations. The goal of these trips (and some of them may be to places your child is already familiar with) is to seek further or specific experiences. At the pizza shop children will have an opportunity to watch the pizza man make a pizza; he will share his expertise with them and show them the equipment he needs to do so. Children may have specific questions they want to ask about the process or children will be looking for particular materials found on a check list the teachers have provided. Back in the classroom, this shared experience will lead to discussions, dramatic play scenarios, storytelling (via a class experience book) and enriched block or art experiences.

We had a great turnout for our January Maintenance Weekend. The school got a good cleaning and a few repairs. Thanks to all the families who were able to attend. Remember each family is responsible to work at two maintenance sessions during the school year. We will be having another one evening “make-up” session early in March for those families who could not attend the past two sessions and then a final one on June 24th.

This past Sunday was Parent Child Sunday. I’d like to thank all the families who came out on to spend time with your child in school. It was nice to see everyone. Thanks to Juan Antonio Perez (Valentina’s Dad), for once again leading us in song. Please also try to come in as “Parent of The Day” in our three year old and UPK classes. It can be a fun, enlightening experience for parents (or grandparents) to spend time with your child in the program. Do not feel you need to come with an activity, or that you need to stay all day. Visit, meet your child’s classmates, get a sense of the curriculum, and enjoy! For Little Hands families, having parents in the room sometimes begins separation issues for your child or another who is missing their families – so although it may be fine for some children we do not have “Parent of the Day” for this age group.

I’d like to remind families that it is time to register for the next school year. Internal registration, that is registration for children that are currently in the school is going on now until February 14. On February 15th, registration will be open to children who live in the Co-op who do not currently attend the school. We give priority to our current families, but cannot do so after February 14th, so please be sure to register on time.

Please remember to check your child’s cubbies for extra clothing. In all this snowy weather, children often get wet and extra clothing gets used. PLEASE label everything with your child’s name. I’m sure you know how hard it is to keep track of 2 or 3 children’s clothes at home. Here we have 20 children dressing and undressing and often things get separated from their owner. It is so much easier to get look inside a pair of snow pants and see a child’s name and quickly get them back to their child.

Thanks again for sharing your children with us!


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