Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Little Hands 3 - Finger painting and Muffins!

The winter months have been fantastic!!!! The children have grown and explored within the classroom as well as outside. We took walks through the community, played in the snow, and made snow angels. Thanks to my husband who works for the Department of Sanitation, the children were able to see up close and personal how a garbage truck "eats the garbage". Some were very quick to notice that it has two steering wheels as they sat inside to take a picture.

With the snow upon us, the children created a winter wonderland mural in our classroom, as well as played with "snow" (kosher salt) in our water table. During our walk to play in the snow the first day some waddled their way out, struggling to stay on their feet. We had so much fun and much laughter.

The children are enjoying much more the "messier" art activities. Finger painting is by far their most exciting activity of the day. Often times the children will use their fingers at the easel rather than the paint brush. The texture between their tiny fingers is stimulating and fascinating to them they can't wait to get their hands dirty.

Of course, we can't forget to mention snack time, the most enjoyable part of the day! By far we could never seem to make enough banana muffins. Yummy! Following is the recipe to make Banana muffins at home. Enjoy.

Banana Muffins
3 Cups of Flour
1 Cup brown sugar
2-4 Ripe Bananas
1 tsp of baking powder
pinch of salt
2 sticks of butter
Mix all together and bake at 350 for about 15 minutes.

We would also like to welcome some new classmates: Amanda Vasquez, Valentina Perez-Merio, and Gabriel Martinez. We all welcome you to our Little Hands III class!

Luz, Jean, and Lynn

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