Friday, September 5, 2008

The 2008-2009 School Year is about to begin!

School starts on a staggered schedule on Monday, September 8th.

1 comment:

Lisa Wenz said...

The 2008-2009 school year is underway!! Over the past two weeks, the children, teachers and families have been getting to know each other. For some children and families this was their first time in school. For our returning students, it was their first time back after summer vacation, in a new classroom with new teachers. These are all new experiences for everyone. In these few short weeks, friendships have been developing, routines are being established and children are beginning to feel more secure and comfortable in a school community.
Today, Sunday, September 21 we held our annual Pancake Welcome Brunch. The event is planned by the parent board as an opportunity for families to get to know each other over a delicious breakfast. It was great to see families connecting with one another validating and extending the sense of community we try to build in our school program. To all who brought food or who helped with the cooking, it is much appreciated! We hope this is the first of several “get-togethers” throughout the year.
Next week we welcome our youngest students in our program. The Little Hands classes will begin their adjustment schedule on Thursday, September 25.
I am looking forward to continuing to getting to know and work with each family in our school.